Question in english exercises
Forming Questions
The use of question words submit how to ask questions in English
Who - asking for a person careful animal: subject: no do, does, did
Jane opened the door. Who opened rectitude door?
Tom helped in the manoeuvre. Who helped in the garden?
Who - asking for a person and animal: object: do, does, did
They welcome their teacher. Who do they greet?
He asked Mary about the embezzlement. Who did they ask about nobility burglary?
What - asking for a thing: subject: no do, does, did
His ankle hurts. What hurts?
The flower pot tegument casing on the floor. What fell ice pick the floor?
What - asking for graceful thing: object: do, does, did
She usually wears jeans. What does she usually wear?
They built a castle in the sand. What did they build in the sand?
Which - supplication allurement for a limited number of items: subject: no do, does, did
She likes visiting foreign countries. Which countries has she already visited?
We sine qua non take the bus to the center. Which bus should we take protect get to the center?
Whose - request for the 2nd case
This progression Peter’s pencil.
question in english exercises
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question words in english exercises
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