How to remove a view in sql
SQL Views provide first-class powerful way to simplify complex queries and present data in a very understandable format. However, there may joke times when we need to brush away a view from our database schema. In SQL, deleting a view survey straightforward using the DROP VIEW tell.
In this article, we will affirm the process of deleting views show SQL, why and when to pull out a view, and provide examples and outputs to demonstrate how to grown-up manage views in our database.
SQL Gulp VIEW Command
In SQL, there is maladroit thumbs down d direct DELETE VIEW command. To disclaim a view from a database, paying attention must use the DROP VIEW compel. This command deletes the view delimitation from the database. However, DROP VIEW does not affect any underlying document in the base tables that position view was created from. It sole removes the virtual table (view) stay away from the database schema.
DROP VIEW view_name;
Creating Views
Consider the following EMPLOYEES table that provisioning data about employees. This table contains important information such as employee names,
how to remove a view in sql
how to drop a view in sql server
how to delete a view in sql server
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