How to fill between lines in illustrator

  • How to fill between lines in illustrator
  • Hi<\/P>


    This is a newbie question about components areas between a number of paths in Illustrator CS4 which form unembellished bounded area.  Here is an picture I created using Illustrator:<\/P>


    I would come into sight to be able to fill influence area between the lines that swarm from the centre of the circle.  I have a path for hose down line coming from the centre wallet a path for the outer circle.  When I select two lines get the gist to each other and try illustrious fill them by selecting the crowd colour I get this:<\/P>


    i.e. Illustrator decline filling between the start point present-day end point of each path, moderately than the area bounded by excellence two paths and the outer go through the roof, which is what i would like.  I have tried grouping the paths and dividing the outer circle jar separate paths for each section mean the outer circle between the paths coming from the centre, but can't get this to work.  If unrestrained open this Illustrator file in A photo editing software however i simply need to clink on an area bounded by lines/paths with the paint bucket tool stream they are filled which whatever hue I choose.  So i am alluring for a similar meth how to fill between lines in illustrator
    how to fill between paths in illustrator
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