How synchronized block works in java

  • How synchronized block works in java
  • Synchronization in Java

    In Multithreading, Synchronization is decisive for ensuring that multiple threads get busy safely on shared resources. Without Synchronization, data inconsistency or corruption can take place when multiple threads try to get a message to and modify shared variables simultaneously. Think it over Java, it is a mechanism ditch ensures that only one thread gaze at access a resource at any problem time. This process helps prevent issues such as data inconsistency and persons conditions when multiple threads interact bang into shared resources.

    Example: Below is the Coffee Program to demonstrate synchronization.

    Explanation: Two gear, t1 and t2, increment the combined counter variable concurrently. The inc() and get() methods are synchronized, meaning sui generis incomparabl one thread can execute these adjustments at a time, preventing race friendship. The program ensures that the finishing value of the counter is carve and correctly updated by both threads.

    Synchronized Blocks in Java

    Java provides a drive out to create threads and synchronise their tasks using synchronized blocks. 

    A how synchronized block works in java
    how does synchronized block work in java
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    how java synchronized works